Monday, 10 January 2022 8:30pm - 9:00pm
  • Central European Time
  • UTC +01:00
  • Europe/Vienna

Coming Home To Yourself

Abendbreema (deutsch)

This online event begins at 11:30am PST, 2:30pm EST, 20:30 CET, 21:30 IST.

30 Min.Abendeinheiten sind Oasen der Entschleunigung, Entspannung und Zentrierung.

Sich selbst in die eigene zeitlose Natur bringen, Spannungen lösen und die eigene Präsenz immerwieder neu entdecken.

Anmeldung bitte per Email: info@

Beitrag: 1.Einheit kostenfrei! Abo 5 Einheiten 30 Euro

#relaxandsmile #supportyourself


Maria Magdalena Schleicher

Practising and instructing BREEMA gives me endless and playful variations of exploring  and understanding myself by connecting my mind with the body and the feelings to receive my essential nature. Every moment gets a new, fresh and vivid invitation & expression of being human in all our dimensions of existence. I'm grateful for this nonjudgmental and nonideologic path rooted in Breema's Nine Principles of Harmony, which are simple and holistic guidelines to always come back to myself, moving...