Harmonious Life
Carrer Lluça 13, local 2
08028 Barcelona Barcelona
Salena Gissola Schenatto Irion holds university degrees in Physical Therapy and Dance.
Co-director of Centro Harmonious Life in Barcelona, she works with Breema, Gyrotonic, Gyrotkinesis, Physical Therapy and Poyet Ostheopaty.
A Certified Breema Practitioner and Instructor, she currently teaches Breema extensively in Europe, the U.S. and South America.
"Salena’s love is to be present with clients and students and experience what is needed in each moment to support people to connect with their body-mind-feelings and with their inner desire to have a more essential, meaningful and harmonious life."
1997-2001 University degree in dance at FAP (Faculdade de Artes do Paraná)
1998 Started Breema Practitioner Program
2000 Breema Practitioner Certification in The Breema Center, California
2000 Pilates Instructor by PhysicalMind Intitute, DeMarkondes Pilates
2001 Breema® Instructor - The Breema Center, California
2002-2003 Master degree in choreography in SEAD (SaLzburg Experimental Academy of Dance) Austria
2008-2012 University degree in Physiotherapy in URV (Universidad de Reus) Spain
2012 -2020 GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Certification (Spain, Brazil, Germany)
2012-2014 Master degree in energetic Osteopathy (Poyet-Piallux) UIC (Universidad Internacional de Catalunya)
2016 GYROKINESIS® Rejuvenation Course with Juliu Horvath, Creator and Founder of the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®
2019 Therapeutic Gyrotonic Applications for the Pelvic Girdle with Paul Horvarth (brother of Juliu Horvarth, creator of Gyrotonic

Upcoming event map
Barcelona Breema Intensive 2025
Harmonious Life
Calle Lluça, 13 Les Corts
08028 Barcelona Barcelona
SpainBreema and Self-Breema Weekend Workshop
Harmonious Life
Calle Lluça, 13 Les Corts
08028 Barcelona Barcelona
SpainSalena Irion
Harmonious Life
Carrer Lluça 13, local 2
08028 Barcelona Barcelona