Friday, 15 January 2021 8:00am - 8:15am
  • Pacific Standard Time
  • UTC -08:00
  • America/Los_Angeles

8am Mini-Class - International Breema Week 2021

Birthe Kaarsholm doing Self-Breema in the garden

This online event begins at 8:00am PST, 11:00am EST, 17:00 CET, 18:00 IST.

Self-Breema exercises include gentle stretches, energizing postures, and dynamic holds. Allowing the mind to be interested in something as simple and harmonious as the body’s natural movements and the activity of the body breathing, we have an opportunity to connect to the body. By connecting to the body we become open to a new level of balance and vitality that is available moment after moment.

Join us each day throughout International Breema Week for Self-Breema Mini-Classes. These 15-minute classes are offered 2 to 3 times per day.

All classes are hosted online via Zoom and are free of charge.


The registration button above will enable you to register once and attend any or all of the mini-classes.

International Breema Week Overview


Elaine Pendergrast

Breema Center staff
Breema Clinic practitioner

Elaine started studying Breema in 1991, and soon became a Certified Practitioner and Instructor. On staff at the Breema Center, she teaches classes there regularly, and has presented Breema at many outreach events to new people at workshops, conferences, health fairs, retreat centers, and other venues around the country. She has also been a Practitioner at the Breema Clinic for many years and enjoys working with new and established clients.

Blogs by Elaine Pendergrast

Moving from...

Soizig Le Boulch

Soizig is a birthworker, bodyworker, yoga teacher, self-care educator, & wellness aficionado who loves to tap into and nurture the innate wisdom of the body and the support provided by body-mind-spirit connection.  She offers well-being support services -- both during and unrelated to a perinatal journey -- such as Breema®, Yoga, TRE®, stress management, and finds Breema® deeply enriching to her work and everyday life.  Soizig infuses her birthwork (Doula, Prenatal Balance, & Postpartum Recovery...
