Thursday, 21 January 2021 6:00pm - 6:45pm
  • Central European Time
  • UTC +01:00
  • Europe/Berlin

Saying Yes to Life Always and Everywhere

Sky touching the Earth
Online Self Breema Class via ZOOM

This online event begins at 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST, 18:00 CET, 19:00 IST.

The class begins at 9:00 am Pacific Time, which is 18:00 European Time or 7:00 pm Israel Time or 12:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.

We'll open the Class 15 minutes prior start.

Please click on the blue link to enter ("Register here for the event").

Participation is free. The class language is English.

This week we work intensively with the Principle No Force and we invite you to apply this Principle in your everyday life.

Moment after moment, Awareness emanates, and the timeless process of Existence flows without force.

To be in harmony with Existence is our nature. When we express our true nature, we use no force. All that’s necessary is to let go of assumptions of separation.

When two things are separate, they exert force on each other. Force is a relationship between separate entities, an energy that moves something outside of itself. Yet in reality, no two things are separate. Existence is one—one matter, one energy, one Consciousness, one Awareness. The totality of everything that exists and the totality of the interrelationships between everything that exists are included.
From Self-Breema Exercises for Harmonious Life



Nadine Kerbl

Nadine Kerbl, M.Sc., Psychotherapist( Integrativ Gestalt Therapy and Body Psychotherapy), ongoing Breema practice since 2010.

Cornelia Weiss

Cornelia Weiß, Diplom-Psychologin in privater Praxis und Breema-Lehrerin, ist mit Breema seit 2001 unterwegs. Zunächst hingezogen zu der Erfahrung von Einfachheit, Angenommensein und innerem Frieden in der urteilsfreien Atmosphäre von Breema-Seminaren, entdeckte sie bald, dass Breema einen reichen, lebenspraktischen Zugang zu Gesundheit und Selbst-Erkenntnis bietet. Seitdem ist Breema eine wichtige Säule in ihrem Leben und in der Arbeit mit ihren Klienten geworden. Ihr Schwerpunkt liegt auf der...