Monday, 20 June 2022 9:00am - 10:00am
  • Pacific Daylight Time
  • UTC -07:00
  • America/Los_Angeles

Living a Meaningful Life - Self-Breema Class

Matthew Tousignant practicing Self-Breema for Monday morning class

This online event begins at 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT, 18:00 CEST, 19:00 IDT.

Ongoing every Monday at 9am PT.

If we wish to live a meaningful life, we need to know where to find meaning and how to strengthen our connection to it. Habitually, we search for meaning in the world which surrounds us. We move from thing to thing, hoping it will fulfill us. But meaning isn’t in things, it’s in us. Our purpose is to bring that meaning to life.

In the passive state, we are unable to live meaningfully, no matter how hard we try. But in the receptive state, we come into direct contact with meaning. To move from passive towards receptive, we need practical direction and correct guidance. Breema’s Nine Principles of Harmony provide exactly that; a pathway from the meaningless to the meaningful, from the periphery of life toward the center, from the complication of the mind to the simplicity of our being. In the taste of being present, we realize that meaningful living cannot be defined by our activity, state, or lifestyle. Meaning always refers to how we are, to the taste of being present in whatever we are doing.

Join us as we look at how Breema can guide us in this direction and help us find us greater self-understanding. We’ll practice Self-Breema to get a taste of body-mind connection, an essential first step towards becoming present, and discuss how it can enter into all aspects of our lives.

CE available: 1.0 hour
The Breema Center is approved to offer continuing education for massage practitioners and bodyworkers by the NCBTMB (#145251-00). If you’re interested in CE for this class, please call the Center at 510-428-0937 for important details.

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Denise Berezonsky

Breema Center staff
Breema Clinic practitioner

Denise Berezonsky is co-author of Self-Breema: Exercises for Harmonious Life, Associate Director and Practitioner at the Breema Clinic and a Staff Instructor at the Breema Center. Denise has been working with Breema’s transformational approach to life since 1989 and in continuous practice at the Breema Clinic since 1991. She teaches online, throughout Northern California and in the Pacific Northwest.

"I love giving and receiving Breema bodywork. Breema, Self-Breema, and the Nine Principles...

Matthew Tousignant

Matthew Tousignant, M.A., CMT holds degrees from Harvard University and the California Institute of Integral Studies. A Certified Breema Practitioner and Instructor, he currently teaches Breema extensively in the U.S. and Europe. Matthew’s body-centered therapeutic work, based out of Lambertville, New Jersey, combines the universal wisdom of Breema with a practical knowledge of psychology to connect others to their unique potential as human beings.

“In the session, I represent acceptance...
