This annual international intensive in Spain is one of the three most important Breema intensives in Europe. We have international instructors coming from the Breema Center, from other areas of the USA, and from other parts of Spain and Europe joining us for this intensive, in addition to Salena and Felipe, directors of the Harmonious Life Center. The Harmonious Life Center is in charge of organizing this event in tandem with the Breema Center.
We get more and more national and international participants every year! Everyone is welcome, whether or not you have done Breema before, or have been one of our clients or students in years past.
The aim of the intensive is to be able to experience mutual support, the art of being present, and the Breema philosophy, while doing both the Breema bodywork and Self-Breema exercises.
There will be translation from Spanish to English.
Early enrollment is recommended and registration is already open. Save your spot!
Start date: Thursday March 6 – 10:00
End date: Monday March 10 – 18:00
It is possible to come on specific days if you can’t take the whole intensive.
Prices for 2025 (accommodations and meals are not included )
Total price: 525€
Early Bird Price 1: 432€ before December 12, 2024
Early Bird Price 2: 468€ before February 5, 2025
Practitioner / Instructor Price: 268€
Early Bird Price 1: 237€ before December 12, 2024
Price per specific days:
1 day: € 145
2 days: € 273
Early Bird Price: 247€ before December 12, 2024
3 days: € 370
Early Bird Price : 330€ before December 12, 2024
4 days: € 463
Early Bird Price: 463€ before December 12, 2024
This year the Intensive will be held in our Center in Barcelona, on Calle Lluça, 13 Les Corts, 08028 Barcelona. We will give you more information regarding possible boarding options after you register.
More information and to register:
93 4949709 o 644005520 • info@harmoniouslife.es
Salena Irion
Salena Gissola Schenatto Irion holds university degrees in Physical Therapy and Dance.
Co-director of Centro Harmonious Life in Barcelona, she works with Breema, Gyrotonic, Gyrotkinesis, Physical Therapy and Poyet Ostheopaty.
A Certified Breema Practitioner and Instructor, she currently teaches Breema extensively in Europe, the U.S. and South America.
"Salena’s love is to be present with clients and students and experience what is needed in each moment to support people to connect with...
Felipe Willhelm de Oliveira
Felipe Willhelm de Oliveira is co-founder of Harmonious Life Center in Barcelona. He met Breema in 1998 in Brazil. In 2000 he became a Breema Practitioner and in 2001 a Breema Instructor. Since then is very active working with clients and teaching Breema in Europe and South America. He also helps organize one of the three European Intensives (Barcelona Breema Intensive, since 2009). The direction of Self-Understanding and being present doing Self-Breema and Breema and to bring that to daily...
Jon Schreiber
Jon Schreiber, D. C., director of the Breema Center and Breema Clinic in Oakland, California, has been teaching Breema in the U.S. and internationally since 1980. He has presented Breema at medical, psychology, bodywork, exercise, holistic health, and personal growth conferences. His numerous articles and books focus on the universal and practical philosophy of Breema. In his clinical practice, Dr. Schreiber uses Breema, Self-Breema, and the Nine Principles of Harmony to help patients discover...
Alexandra Johnson, MD
I am a Family Physician, and have been a Breema Practitioner and Instructor for over 20 years. I have found Breema's non-judgmental atmosphere to be invaluable in working with any health condition. I am consistently amazed at the effect of Breema bodywork, Self-Breema exercises, and Nine Principles of Harmony in increasing vitality, addressing acute concerns, and offering new templates for relating to body, mind, and feelings. I began working as a Practitioner at the Breema Clinic in 2002, and...
Matthew Tousignant
Matthew Tousignant, M.A., CMT holds degrees from Harvard University and the California Institute of Integral Studies. A Certified Breema Practitioner and Instructor, he currently teaches Breema extensively in the U.S. and Europe. Matthew’s body-centered therapeutic work, based out of Lambertville, New Jersey, combines the universal wisdom of Breema with a practical knowledge of psychology to connect others to their unique potential as human beings.
“In the session, I represent acceptance...