Die beurteilungsfreie Berührung und die Neun Prinzipien der Harmonie
Im Praktizieren von Breema Partnerübungen und Selbstbreema-Übungen stärken wir die Verbindung unseres Körpers mit unserem Denken und Fühlen. Daraus ensteht Harmonie und Präsenz und das erlebbare Empfinden, ein untrennbarer Teil dieses Lebens zu sein.
mit Dr. Jon Schreiber, Direktor des Breema Centers in Kalifornien, und einer Gruppe von LehrerInnen aus Europa und USA
Seminarort und Information
Seminarhaus Waldmatt
Obere Windeck Straße 20
D-77815 Bühl/Bd.
Tel. +49 (0) 7223-807290
E-mail: paribreema@t-online.de
Eine Wegbeschreibung und ein Unterkunftsverzeichnis wird mit der Anmeldebestätigung zugesandt.
Weitere Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten über Tourist-Info Bühl
Tel. +49 (0) 7223 935 332
Email: tourist.info@buehl.de
550€ (Bei Bezahlung bis zum 1.Mai gewähren wir einen Nachlass von € 50)
Reduzierter Preis für Praktizierende und Lehrer: €275
Überweisungen bitte auf das Konto:
IBAN DE69 6627 0024 0061 7431 01,
täglich 10:00 – 13:00, 15:00 – 18:00
The Non-Judgmental Touch and the Nine Principles of Harmony.
By practicing Breema partner sequences and Self-Breema exercises we strengthen the connection between body, mind, and feelings. This creates harmony and presence, and a palpable experience of being an inseparable part of all life.
With Dr. Jon Schreiber, director of the Breema Center in California, and a group of instructors from Europe and the USA.
Directions for getting to the workshop and a list of accommodations will be sent with your registration confirmation. Additional accommodation information is available through:
Tourist-info Bühl
Tel. +49 (0) 7223 935 332
Email: tourist.info@buehl.de
Intensive Prices:
550 € (if paid by May 1, 2025, we offer a €50 discount)
Discounted price for Certified Breema Practitioners and Instructors: €275
Please make payment to this account:
IBAN DE69 6627 0024 0061 7431 01, BIC DEUTDEDB662
Daily 10:00am-1:00pm, 3:00-6:00pm
Jon Schreiber
Jon Schreiber, D. C., director of the Breema Center and Breema Clinic in Oakland, California, has been teaching Breema in the U.S. and internationally since 1980. He has presented Breema at medical, psychology, bodywork, exercise, holistic health, and personal growth conferences. His numerous articles and books focus on the universal and practical philosophy of Breema. In his clinical practice, Dr. Schreiber uses Breema, Self-Breema, and the Nine Principles of Harmony to help patients discover...
Pari Schneider
Pari Schneider is the organizer of the Breema Center's International Intensives in Germany, and directs several Practitioner certification groups in Germany.
He founded the Breema-Seminarhouse in Bühl-Baden and has been extensively instructing and presenting Breema in workshops and at conferences worldwide since 1990.
For the past 25 years, he has led workshops with Prof. Dr. med. Luise Reddemann on Breema and self-care.
Roxanne Caswell
Roxanne Caswell, CMT, is a Staff Instructor at the Breema Center in Oakland, CA, since 1991. She maintains an active international teaching schedule.
Join me for personal Self-Breema classes live online, one-on-one, via Zoom. For your first free session, click "Send message" and let me know when you would like to schedule one.
Blogs by Roxanne Caswell
A New Posture for Life is Needed for New Thinking, New Feeling ~ January 3, 2019
Birthe Kaarsholm
Birthe Kaarsholm RSMT, CMT is a staff instructor at the Breema Center in Oakland, California where she has taught and practiced Breema since year 2000. She is a Registered Somatic movement therapist and a certified Body-Mind Centering® practitioner and Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analyst®. With a life-long interest in working with the body, including physical theater, Body-Mind Centering and movement therapy, Breema’s approach to seeing the body as a vehicle to raise our level of...
Matthew Tousignant
Matthew Tousignant, M.A., CMT holds degrees from Harvard University and the California Institute of Integral Studies. A Certified Breema Practitioner and Instructor, he currently teaches Breema extensively in the U.S. and Europe. Matthew’s body-centered therapeutic work, based out of Lambertville, New Jersey, combines the universal wisdom of Breema with a practical knowledge of psychology to connect others to their unique potential as human beings.
“In the session, I represent acceptance...